"What Will They Think?"
Cactus Canyon Junior High School
Jason Davis - CJE
Tiffany Hutcheson
Walsworth representative:
Jen Wilson Crutcher
In their own words:
"Every day we put ourselves out there
"We make ourselves vulnerable every time we try something new. What we don't know scares us beyond what we can even imagine, yet we face it every day. Every time we ask 'what if,' we are met one-on-one with the unknown. What if my partner does not like Ms. Stradling's government skits? What if I mess up one of my lines during my passion project presentation for Ms. Wilbur?
"It's not even that we don't know, it's that there's always someone to see the results. It's not just one more thing to worry about; sometimes, it's the only thing. Will they laugh if we make a mistake? Will they blame us for the loss? No matter how hard or how easy the task is, we always come back to... What will they think?"