October 7, 2009 / Noteworthy

Talk Like Yearbook Day

Written by Marketing Staff

It seems like there’s all kinds of specialty talk days anymore. You know… literary folks get Talk Like Shakespeare Day, Star Wars geeks have Talk Like Yoda Day. And, of course, there is Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Well, this IS National Yearbook Week. So why not a Talk Like Yearbook Day? At Walsworth, we want to make this Thursday, Oct. 8, Talk Like Yearbook Day.

Anybody who remembers the signatures in their yearbook should remember the slang. If there was ever a week to mix it into regular conversation, and not just on the pages of your friend’s yearbook, this would be the week and Oct. 8 will be the day.

So try these common yearbook sayings out on your friends and family. We’ve given you a few to get started, but feel free to mix them up and make them your own and comment back to us with your ideas.

Seniors rule the house!

Stay sweet and don’t change!

Stay cool!

Have a great summer!

Stay outta trouble!

Keep your neato personality.

Good luck in whatever you do.

I’ll be hearing about you!

See ya next year!

We’ve had good times together. Don’t let that end!

You are 2 cool 2 be forgotten.

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Marketing Staff

Marketing Staff reports are posts compiled by the Walsworth Yearbooks Marketing Department, covering a wide range of yearbook topics.