"So Extra"
One School of the Arts
Heather Rice
Emily Parker
Walsworth representative:
Tracy de la Feuillez - CJE
In their own words:
“The definition in the English dictionary for the word Extra is to be greater than the usual. But the term given for going above and beyond the normal standards, and going the Extra mile, describes someone who is So Extra. In the past, calling someone ‘Extra’ could have had a negative connotation, but today, the word has become a term of endearment or a compliment to someone’s approach to life.
“Open Mic performances were So Extra! Those who performed also had courage and did brave things, like Isnayah Barnes, seventh grade, who took the stage several times during Open Mic, and passionately performed her free and expressive dance routines. When Neo Layton, 11th grade, ended his original poetry readings with his So Extra back flips, the crowd went wild with applause!”