"There's More"
Westlake High School
Dinah Emmons
Amanda Hacker, Jordan Hossini
Walsworth representative:
Michelle DiSimone - CJE
The theme “There’s More” was originally intended to express how there’s more to every student than what you see or assume. But the theme quickly became more personal when there was more to the year than they anticipated with a devastating tragedy followed by raging wildfires that began the next day.
The book explored how there’s “more strength, more determination, more power” inside of them, and there’s still more to discover. Divider pages kept their color choices simple – black and white photos with a red accent and no stories. But there was more color on the pages between, with each page taking its own accent color, and more stories. Lines running off the page graphically symbolized there was more to say than what the page could contain.
Headlines could often be found in the middle of the spread, surrounded by the photos, captions, stories and quotes that told more than a headline ever could. One spread played off the theme with a "More Than Just Coworkers" spread, describing the close relationships between faculty. Showstopper fonts completed this package and showed there’s more to the Wah’kon-tah yearbook.