Editor Application Template
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Staff Applications
Recruitment flyers are one of the most effective ways to easily spread the word and attract the best staff. They provide information about the yearbook program, the responsibilities of staff members and the benefits of being a part of the team.
Place flyers in the front office, hallways, cafeteria, library, restrooms, at school events like theater productions, concerts or sporting events and at yearbook sales tables. Additionally, you can also post digital versions on social media platforms, online school bulletin boards and school websites.
Business Cards
Use our business cards to quickly get recruiting information out to the students who you see with great yearbook potential. A personal invitation to apply makes a huge difference.
Your student body wants to see more than concrete walls in the hallways. Add some life and color to your school with our recruitment posters.
Need more for all aspects of yearbook? Visit Yearbook Help for our premium customer resources or visit our marketing page for more ways to engage your buyers. With the right strategies in place, yearbook staff recruiting is easier than you think.
Questions? Email marketingyearbooks@walsworth.com.