Now Trending: 2024 Yearbook Trends

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November 23, 2015 / Staff Management

Many yearbook staffs have already begun dealing with their first page deadlines of the year over the last couple weeks, and many more will be tackling deadlines in the weeks ahead before winter break. It can be a challenging time for everyone. But deadlines don’t have to be stressful. Take a look at these posts…

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October 24, 2012 / Book Organization / Fall 2012

The ladder represents the blueprint for the coverage plans for the year, and those plans can change. Unlike a Jenga tower, the whole book is not going to collapse if you have to move things around. Build your ladder in a way that allows for adjustments, if necessary.

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June 4, 2009 / Consider This

Give a well-organized, enthusiastic, go-getter type the responsibility of advising the yearbook and she still may be reduced to a sniveling, jumbled-mumbling zombie by the second deadline (it is impossible to remember first deadlines – too hideous). What is it about yearbook deadlines that makes them so elusive many schools admit missing some, most or even all of them during the year?

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In my limited experience as a yearbook adviser, I have learned so much about myself and just how far I can push seventh and eighth graders. Let me explain.

During my first year as an adviser, I pleaded and begged, but deadlines were barely met and typos and fuzzy pictures were printed. Then our book arrived. It was a step up from previous books, but it was not their book or the story of their year. It was the way I, the grumpy old adviser, saw the year.

Not fair and not fun, right?

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