Snoozing through our accomplishment

Written by Aaron Montes

So the long awaited awards ceremony was this afternoon, and me and my fellow classmates were just tired out of our minds. So, it was pretty funny that during the ceremony when we went to the hotel to relax because we were just so tired.

The day went on and we slept for about an hour and 10 minutes. We missed the ceremony completely.

When we woke up we left to go eat and tour the town. When we got back at 10 p.m., we were greeted by our adviser and she had some interesting news. It turns out that while we were in our dreams we also had won the Best of Show award for our “be” book.

Go figure.

One Response to “Snoozing through our accomplishment”

April 18, 2010 at 3:32 am, yearbookforever said:

Snoozing through our accomplishment

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Aaron Montes