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story ideas

November 9, 2018 / Coverage / Interviewing/Reporting

Trying to come up with an interesting idea for a yearbook feature story? Sometimes it can be difficult coming up with a unique angle, but the fact that you’re trying means you’re on the right track! “A yearbook shouldn’t be full of topics,” according to Brady Smekens, former adviser of the Deka yearbook staff at Huntington North High School, Huntington, Indiana. “Rather, it should tell the story of students. In the process, the topics get covered.” The list of story ideas on this page will help editors start brainstorming for coverage unique to their school and the current year.

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April 30, 2004 / Coverage / Spring 2004

Homecoming. There is a football game. Sometimes it is warm, sometimes it is cold, and sometimes it rains. A king and queen are crowned. The queen always cannot believe she has been chosen. Then there is a dance, and students — well, they dance.

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