December 8, 2009 / Video

Surprise high school reunions using yearbook turn hilarious

Written by Evan Blackwell, CJE

Have you ever thought about taking your old high school yearbook, flipping through the signatures, and tracking down old friends to see where they are now – 10, 20 years later? Oh, and doing all this completely unannounced.

Well, that’s exactly what independent filmmaker Greg Benson did recently after Walsworth asked him to produce a fun video about yearbooks.

Benson dropped in on a few old classmates totally unannounced, and the results were hilarious. What do you think would happen if you went back through your yearbook and decided to look up some old friends?


One Response to “Surprise high school reunions using yearbook turn hilarious”

March 26, 2010 at 10:38 am, bob said:

that was AWESOME dude

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Evan Blackwell, CJE

Evan Blackwell, CJE, is the Marketing Automation Supervisor for Walsworth. He's been a writer, editor and web content specialist for Walsworth for the past 15+ years, and is the author of the Yearbook Suite's "The Art of the Interview" unit. Prior to joining Walsworth, Blackwell spent five years as an award-winning newspaper and magazine journalist. He holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Kansas.