March 28, 2014 / Yearbook 3D

Sequoyah High staff making big plans with Yearbook 3D

Written by Evan Blackwell, CJE

The yearbook staff at new Walsworth school Sequoyah High in Madisonville, Tenn., is excited about the possibilities the Yearbook 3D mobile app has created for them.

According to this recent article in local newspaper The Advocate & Democrat, Sequoyah and Walsworth will be creating the “first 3D yearbook in Monroe County.”

Sequoyah yearbook adviser Merriam Krahala told the paper that the staff is planning on utilizing Yearbook 3D for the 2015 yearbook, which will be a 20th anniversary book. They plan on acquiring video interviews with community members to use throughout the book with the app, including interviews with some of the first students and teachers to attend the school.

“It would be a community yearbook,” Krahala said. “This would focus on the entire community.”
What do you think of Sequoyah’s idea? And what unique ways could your yearbook staff use Yearbook 3D?

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Evan Blackwell, CJE

Evan Blackwell, CJE, is the Marketing Automation Supervisor for Walsworth. He's been a writer, editor and web content specialist for Walsworth for the past 15+ years, and is the author of the Yearbook Suite's "The Art of the Interview" unit. Prior to joining Walsworth, Blackwell spent five years as an award-winning newspaper and magazine journalist. He holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Kansas.