November 12, 2012 / 2012 Video Contest / Video

Norris High provides a sneak peek at this year’s yearbook

Written by Evan Blackwell, CJE

The last time we checked in with the yearbook staff from Norris High School, they were showing us a video displaying all their crazy talents.

Now, the yearbook staff is back with another entry in our 2012 Video Contest and this one provides an early look at some of the pictures they’ve taken for the 2013 book.

Watch the Norris video below, then you can vote for “Sneak Peek” over at Walsworth’s Facebook page by giving it a Like. The video contest runs until Nov. 19, and winners will be selected by a committee of judges based on the following criteria: message and appropriateness to theme, creativity, entertainment value, viral nature as determined by the number of video Likes on Facebook and technical prowess.


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Evan Blackwell, CJE

Evan Blackwell, CJE, is the Marketing Automation Supervisor for Walsworth. He's been a writer, editor and web content specialist for Walsworth for the past 15+ years, and is the author of the Yearbook Suite's "The Art of the Interview" unit. Prior to joining Walsworth, Blackwell spent five years as an award-winning newspaper and magazine journalist. He holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Kansas.