November 17, 2009 / Fall 2009 / Photoshop/Illustrator

How do you do that? More than cobbing

Written by Marketing Staff

Once you cut the background away from an image, do not stop there. There are plenty of creative techniques you can apply to photos after the background is gone. Here is just one example of using images and illustrations together.

1. Import an image into InDesign using File > Place.

2. Use the Pen tool to Add Anchor Points to the Image box.


3. Use the Direct Selection tool to move the Image box around the image, leaving a rough outline of the subject matter.


4. Place a drop shadow on the image, and then place the image on top of a background.


One Response to “How do you do that? More than cobbing”

October 01, 2011 at 3:20 pm, Jenita said:

Is that really all there is to it beuasce that’d be flabbergasting.

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Marketing Staff

Marketing Staff reports are posts compiled by the Walsworth Yearbooks Marketing Department, covering a wide range of yearbook topics.