March 8, 2017 / Adviser Academy

Start making plans for the 2017 Adviser Academy

Written by Evan Blackwell, CJE

Summer will be here before you know it, and that means summer workshop plans are already being made.

For yearbook advisers, especially new yearbook advisers, Walsworth’s annual Adviser Academy should be circled on your calendar. This year’s Academy will take place July 10-12 in Kansas City at the Marriott Country Club Plaza.

There will be three full days of classes on July 10-12, with an optional day on July 13 to either tour Walsworth’s plant facilities or attend additional tech training.

For new advisers, the 2017 Adviser Academy will have classes prepared especially for you. You will receive helpful tips, real-world advice and plenty of encouragement that will help you tackle your first year with the knowledge and confidence needed to be successful.

For experienced advisers, you will get instruction from some of the best yearbook teachers in the business. They will show you how to find inspiration, get organized and learn all the ways you and your staff can cover the story of the year at your school.

This year’s instructors will include past JEA Advisers of the Year Renee Burke, MJE, and Lori Oglesbee, MJE, as well as Walsworth’s Sabrina Schmitz, CJE, and Mike Taylor, CJE.

For additional details, or to register online, please visit

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Evan Blackwell, CJE

Evan Blackwell, CJE, is the Marketing Automation Supervisor for Walsworth. He's been a writer, editor and web content specialist for Walsworth for the past 15+ years, and is the author of the Yearbook Suite's "The Art of the Interview" unit. Prior to joining Walsworth, Blackwell spent five years as an award-winning newspaper and magazine journalist. He holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Kansas.