March 18, 2010 / 2010 CSPA / Walsworth Live

Making friends at CSPA

Written by Kathryn Barnette

Yesterday I was heading to a class about graphic design when I thought I saw a familiar face – I did, an old friend of mine from a school in Atlanta, who I hadn’t seen for about 8 years.

Today I ran into a friend who goes to a different school back home. Because of the diversity of the classes and all of the people at the conference, meeting people becomes so natural and easy.

It’s incredible because you get the chance to get to know people that you otherwise wouldn’t have met. Even last night, my group was Ice skating at Rockefeller Center and randomly we struck up conversation with a guy from California – who also happened to be a participant at the conference!

For the rest of our ice skating venture, we went around and talked about life back home. On the way out, we took a picture with our new friend and agreed to meet up during the day. It’s so nice to meet people with similar interests from all different backgrounds and make friends, or even rediscover old ones. Goal for the day: 2 new friends! Now, onto the next session..

One Response to “Making friends at CSPA”

March 18, 2010 at 12:22 pm, yearbookforever said:

Making Friends at CSPA

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Kathryn Barnette