Wrap-up from Portland JEA/NSPA

Written by Aaron Montes

Looking back on the convention and my notes, I feel a great combination of education and experience. The seminars and the surroundings were a perfect blend.

The weather was great and the teachers just outdid themselves. I was very impressed with all of the effort that the JEA and NSPA officials put forth, the convention ran smoothly and was very informative.

As an experienced journalist having been in newspaper and yearbook for three years, I see that the conventions that JEA/NSPA put together are beneficial to any caliber journalism student. The keynote speakers as well put the cherry on top.

One Response to “Wrap-up from Portland JEA/NSPA”

April 21, 2010 at 7:50 am, yearbookforever said:

Wrap-up from Portland JEA/NSPA http://goo.gl/fb/IpUJn

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Aaron Montes