Lesson ideas using photo websites

Written by Bill Hankins

  • Use the winners’ gallery on poyi.org: Have students find the most effective images in a category and write a one-page analysis on its strengths, such as story-telling, impact, composition or timing.
  • Use any website’s photo story or multiple image categories: Have students edit the images to a yearbook layout using only five images. Find the dominant or establishing shot and defend in writing their choice. Select four more images that contribute to the story without duplicating content.
  • Listen to the judging podcast on the CPOY website. Have students summarize what they learned from the judges in a one-page analysis, and a one-page description of how they can apply this to their own shooting.

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Bill Hankins

Bill Hankins taught scholastic photojournalism for 26 years, advised student publications for 29 years, and instructed more than 1,600 photojournalists, mostly at Oak Park High School in Kansas City. Before retiring, Hankins received the Missouri Journalism Teacher of the Year Award, the Pioneer Award from the NSPA, the Certificate of Merit from the Dow Jones Newspaper Fund and a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2002 from the JEA.

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