November 14, 2009 / 2009 Fall JEA/NSPA / Walsworth Live

Friday nights at conventions

Written by Alyssa Allen

Everyone goes out on the weekends (don’t act like you don’t). D.C. is no different. The only difference is some of the people you’re with and what you guys end up doing.

Each year the convention hotel holds its famous dance. The dances are on Friday and Saturday and are pretty fun….if that’s what you’re into. It really depends on what type of person you are and what you like to do. I like to go out with my friends on the weekends and the dance was a lot of fun for me…. My roommate on the other hand will tell you a different story.

She’s not the kind of person who likes to do that kind of thing on the weekend and therefore, felt a little awkward.

I went to Phoenix last year and I went to both dances, and this year’s DJ was so much better. The music was upbeat and so much fun to dance to and there was never a slow song or awkward moment.

No matter what you do on the weekend, the dances are always to go to and have fun with the people you’re with.

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Alyssa Allen